November 2017: Praise for new work in Norwegian newspaper, Nettavisen
2017 Fine Art galleri; intervju og bakgrunn. Bilder til salgs. Les mer...
Intervju i KK, 2016: Les mer...
November 2015: Dagbladets intervju...
Mars 2015: VG skriver...
2013: Double page in Silvershotz...
Come covers done for the magazine KK in 2013:
Article in KK magazin with Henrik Todesen:
Interview with Benedicte Adrian i KK magazine:
February 2012: Prime minister Jens Stoltenberg togheter with his mother.
January 2012: New work for KK Magazine.
September 2011: Charlotte Spetalen photographs Kaja Norum for Massiv magazin:
August 2011: Charlotte photographs Vibeke Klemetsen for Massiv magazin.
Oktober 2011: Charlotte Spetalen photographs jarle Andhøy for KK magazine:
September 2011: Alex Rosén photographed for the magazin KK.
July 2011: Actor Trond Espen Seim photographed for KK magazine.
October 2010: Charlotte Spetalens fine art photography available through this art dealer (prices in NOK): FineArt in Oslo.
October 2010: Charlotte Spetalen in the magazin "Kunst for alle".
July 2010 - Charlotte Spetalen in Dagbladets Sunday magazin.
July 2010 - Read what the media says about the debut exhibiton and see photos.
Go to Ostlandsposten. Go to Hegnar Online.
July 2010 - Charlotte Spetalen ready for her first exhibition in Norway! This takes place in Stavern and opens July 4th. Welcome!
March 2010: Photographs on book covers. The Norwegian edition of Joshilyn Jackson's book "Piken som sluttet å svømme". The second book by Alexia Bohwim, MILF. Both of them in print now. bokomslag.jpg" alt="" width="197" height="313" />
January 2010: Portrait of Charlotte in "Henne" magazin. All self portraits. Take a look.
January 2010: Article about Charlotte in Dagbladet. Go there...
November 2009: Charlotte shoots for Vixen Mag, including self portrait.
November 2009: Charlotte shoots cover of Steen & Strøm Mag.
October 2009: The book "Maskepi" is released by the Norwegian publisher CappelenDamm. All photos by Charlotte. Go there...
September 2009: Charlotte shoots for "Massive" magazine in Oslo. Go there...
Juli 2009: Charlotte wins the Norwegian Eisa award (European Imaging and Sound Association).
Theme: Water.
May 2009: Charlotte shoots for "Massiv" magazine in Oslo.
March 2009: Charlotte's image on the cover of Shots magazine. Go there...
February 2009: Charlotte's image in Norwegian "Fotografi". Go there...
Nordic Light photographic festival, Charlotte rewarded 2nd prize. Go there...